Ever wanted to turn your love of weed into a full-time job? While your parents might laugh at you, it’s actually a real thing! The growing cannabis industry all over the world gives weed lovers a chance to make their love of the herb profitable. If you want to learn about the different ways you can make money in the cannabis industry, keep reading this article!
Once upon a time, getting a job in the weed industry was easy. There was almost nobody in the weed industry, and they were desperate for employees. But things have changed over the last few years, with it becoming one of the most competitive industries in the world. There are a lot of cannabis enthusiasts out there who would love to make weed their full-time work – and understandably so.
The good news is that the more the industry grows, the more types of jobs there are in the cannabis world. In the past, if you couldn’t be a budtender or a trimmer, you were basically lost for weed jobs. But in the modern world, there’s space for all kinds of creative work with weed. So now we have a whole handful of jobs that a cannabis enthusiast could jump into to experience weed in a whole new way.
1. Budtenders
If you live in the USA, you’re in a place that is swarming with dispensaries. And dispensaries always need budtenders. A budtender is the person who stands at the counter, knows all about the different strains of weed available and sells them to customers. It can be a stressful job, because budtenders must stay up to date with all the different varieties of weed and their qualities.
It’s common for consumers to go into a dispensary wanting a strain that’s good for headaches, or for period pain or to sleep well. And it’s the job of the budtender to know what those strains are. This job also requires a great deal of people handling, so to be a budtender you should enjoy working with people. But beware – this job can also mean you spend your entire income on herb!
2. Be a medical cannabis grower
If you have a green thumb and love to smoke the herb, why not consider becoming a cannabis grower? There are many places in the world where cannabis has become legal for medical sale, which means that they need growers. In most cases this requires having a license to grow, which can be the hurdle in getting this job.
As weed gets better and better all around the world, you have to really set the stage as a cannabis grower. When we think about breeders in the Netherlands or in the Silicon Valley, we’re talking about connoisseurs of cannabis breeding.
The standards have become high – because people want to get super high. But it just takes some practice to be able to grow excellent weed, and when you can, you’re in contention for growing weed for medical cannabis.

3. Cannabis edibles chef
There’s room in the cannabis industry for culinary adventurers! In fact, there are all kinds of weird edibles you can buy these days. Somebody has to make them, right? Well, cannabis edibles are a huge market, and if you have experience making pastries then this could be a job for you. There are even cannabis beverages, cannabis-infused kombucha and savoury treats.
The trick to making cannabis edibles is essentially to hide the taste of weed while making it an powerful hit, but with a consistent amount of THC in each serving. Chocolatiers and pastry chefs, this job is a way to make an entry into the weed industry!
4. Trimmers
Wherever weed is being grown, there is a demand for trimmers. This is arguably one of the easiest jobs to get in the cannabis industry. However, because of the seasonal nature of growing weed (at least in places when it’s grown outside), there isn’t a lot of work all the time.
There are usually certain parts of the year where trimmers are in high demand, and other times where they aren’t needed at all. For that reason, this isn’t really a job you can make a career out of.
It has become something like a fashion in the USA to be a trimmer for a few months a year, and spend the rest of the time enjoying the money you made. For many, it is fruitful to spend a few months on a cannabis farm in California trimming up buds before moving along to the next place.
5. Work in Amsterdam or Barcelona
Amsterdam and Barcelona are well known for hosting weed coffeeshops. They are all over both cities. If you live in Europe, this is a great way to get in touch with weed. It’s something like being a budtender as well as being a bartender as well as being a waiter or waitress. It’s definitely a multifaceted job.
Working in Spanish Social Clubs or coffeeshops in Amsterdam means constantly being in touch with tourists, travellers and local people. The younger communities in these places love to frequent coffeeshops, especially because they are the only legal places that you can really smoke.
6. Professional joint rollers
Okay – this one might sound a little strange. But I had to add it in for good measure because it’s actually a real thing. Ever heard of Tony Greenhand? He is arguably the world’s most famous joint roller.
Yes, that’s right. He made a career out of being good at spliffogami. Of course, this is not for beginners. His joints aren’t simple baseball bats. He once got commissioned $7,000 to make a gun collection replica made entirely out of joints. And they were all entirely smokable!
7. Weed Bloggers
Yes – someone gets paid to write all those wonderful things you read online about weed. Well, at least some of them get paid. If you consider yourself more the academic type, but still love to smoke weed, perhaps writing is a fruitful way to get your share.
In fact, there are so many cannabis websites out there these days, it shouldn’t be too hard to find work as a weed blogger. You have to be clever with words and probably a really fast typist, but most academic students have these skills down pat.
Jobs are advertised for cannabis bloggers all over the internet and it’s the kind of job you can do from anywhere in the world – which is something cannabis bloggers (like me) love about their chosen work field.

8. Jobs associated with the cannabis industry
Aside from the jobs I’ve mentioned that are well and truly inside of the cannabis industry, there are many jobs that come associated. When you think about the range of products that make a lot of money from a booming weed industry but aren’t actually involved in the sale of weed, it’s a lot. Let’s take for example, stores that sell lighting and grow equipment for growers. Although they aren’t immediately a part of the cannabis industry, they are there by some kind of association.
The same is true of headshops. Headshops are the funky little holes in the wall that sell smoking paraphernalia, rolling papers, grinders and other stuff for your stoner survival kit. You can still get to know a lot of stoners even from working in a head shop. Plus, there’s no legal riff-raff to get around.
Lawyers and accountants are also required in the cannabis industry. Their job can be a little more backdoor, helping cannabis businesses get their feet off the ground. If you are a lawyer or accountant and have a sneaky taste for smoking weed, then this is a great way to be involved.
Unfortunately, strict laws make it difficult for coffeeshops or dispensaries to do everything above the table. These businesses are always requiring legal assistance or accounting advice to keep everything above board.
It seems that whatever your skill is, there is room for you in the cannabis industry. What’s better is that most of these jobs can be done without a qualification – the only degree necessary is an open heart for weed and loving to be involved!
Hi, as a good plant lover, i am willing to work with my full capabilities if there’s any chance of hiring. I hope you’ll notice. Ill do any job even without a single cent as a profit. A dream come true if this happens. Lovelots 💚
Dear ones,
As a medical cannabis grower ,I feel free to ask you if you have any job for me?
hello there to everyone,,as a person who has experiencing cannabis the last 35 years i tried it at the age of 16 and love at first site,,i will be pleased to get an oportunity and do my best,,,king regards