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This filter shows the cannabis seeds recommended by WeedSeedShop for plants which complete their flowering period in a relatively short time.
They are therefore ideal to buy for gardeners eager to harvest their own buds, and for those who practice indoor cultivation and want to produce the largest possible number of marijuana crops in the shortest possible time.
Where applicable, it may be possible to grow several crops in a year, a miracle solution for gardening aficionados whose patience is not their main virtue! Since the flowering time is short, some of the varieties listed in this category will produce plants of a more compact and easy to manage size. This trait makes these types of cannabis a practical solution for any indoor installations that are limited in height or width.
It is wise to take all parameters into consideration in order to select the perfect variety of cannabis seeds for your garden! Some of the cannabis seed strains shown in this filter are also ideal for Sea of Green or Screen of Green grow techniques, and this is mentioned in the individual strain description where applicable.