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XXL Yield

The XXL Yield filter shows the cannabis types that WeedSeedShop has judged as delivering the most enormous yields of all.

  • Seed Type
  • Yield
  • Climate Zone
  • Height
  • Flowering Time
  • Sativa / indica
  • Outdoor height
  • Outdoor yield
  • Outdoor harvest time
  • Suitable for beginners
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Each of these amazing weed strains is capable of producing plentiful, solid, gargantuan colas which, given favorable conditions, can increase to the size of the grower’s arm by the time they are ready to harvest (possibly even larger, if your arms are on the slim side). The evocative oldschool nickname for buds of this humongous size is 'donkey dicks', according to our research team at WeedSeedShop, but don't let that put you off!

Although these are the highest yielding strains that you can buy at WeedSeedShop, not all of them are considered as cash crop varieties. In order to achieve their full potential, some of these XXL Yielding types of cannabis may need a slightly longer flowering time and a little extra care, such as support for branches weighed down by buds. This is not difficult to achieve, and some well-placed stakes and fishing line can save you the much harder task of trying to repair split branches. Have fun watching your buds burgeon!