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Cannabis seeds included in this filter will grow plants having a relatively long flowering period, usually because they have a Sativa component in their genetic heritage.
These varieties of marijuana can produce special results, but WeedSeedShop recommends that you should only buy them if you're prepared to wait an extra two or even three weeks for their long flowering period to end.
Although Sativa varieties of cannabis are known to be lower-yielding than their Indica relatives, the long flowering period means that each plants has time to produce more buds; this can happen very quickly once flowering is properly established, meaning every extra day is a benefit.
Varieties shown on this page are the types of cannabis in our selection which take their time in terms of flowering, but are able to reach impressive heights and widths, and can develop beautiful, resinous and sparkling buds. A "must", therefore, for those who enjoy contemplating their plump and robust plants, the result of their loving care... plants that give back love to their gardeners, tenfold!