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Cannabis seeds presented in this filter produce plants which will complete their flowering period in an average amount of time.
However, WeedSeedShop would like to emphasize that nothing else about the marijuana varieties in this selection can be described as average - these are all beauties that you will happily worship, we're sure!
If you're not limited by a tight schedule, or you're prepared to invest the extra time to ensure a super heavy harvest but you don't want to wait a long time for a medium harvest from a Haze, for example, then weed seeds shown in this filter should give you some good ideas for what to buy. These weed varieties are a good balance between short and long flowering periods.
Indeed, a few extra days of flowering are sometimes sufficient to achieve results that even exceed the expectations of the gardener! They are also a good compromise in terms of maintenance; like all plants, these types of cannabis require some care and attention as they grow, but are relatively independent, allowing a very zen garden experience, even for novices.