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Amnesia Feminized Seeds

Jack Herer x Cinderella 99 x Skunk #1

Samen Typ
Feminisierte Sorte
Mittlerer Ertrag
Sonniges / Mediterranes Klima
Kompakte Pflanze
Durchschnittliche Blütezeit
Sativa / indica
Sativa / Indica-Hybride
Nicht auf Lager
Diskrete Verpackung Versandkostenfrei Die besten Preise in Europa

Über Amnesia Feminized Seeds

Isn't it great when one of the most loved strains of marijuana is available in a feminized version for your growing convenience? Amnesia is a sativa-dominant hybrid and is extremely popular because of its incredibly powerful effects. This is a potent strain that you can have flowering in your garden relatively quickly. Being a feminized strain means that every seed you plant will grow into a flowering female plant.

This strain's original genetics come from the original Haze and Afghani gene pool, but was bred using the Jack Herer, Cinderella 99, and Skunk #1 strains. That means that Amnesia also boasts the qualities of the old school Thai (an ancestor of Haze). That means that this plant grows a lot like an indica, but smokes a lot like a sativa. It is known to be shorter and bushier, but smoking it gives the user an incredibly powerful psychotropic high.

The effects of this strain are so powerful, it is joked that it causes amnesia. It creates a very uplifting, energetic vibe that is perfect for creative activities. It is the perfect strain to lighten the mood, as it makes the user feel extremely euphoric. This is the kind of weed that you can smoke and then spend a day walking around the park daydreaming. In social situations, it is a perfect strain to encourage the giggles.

Amnesia has a very earthy aroma that smells a little something like ammonia at times. The taste when smoking this strain can almost be sweet, and is extremely pungent. The very resinous trichomes that live on these buds make it extremely strong weed, both in effects and aroma. One of the main characteristics of this bud is how pungent it is before you even smoke it.

This strain is ideal for both indoor and outdoor operations, as it doesn't take up too much room in an indoor growing space. For outdoor growing, a warm, sunny, Mediterranean climate is recommended. The flowering time for Amnesia is anywhere between 55 and 80 days, putting it in an average flowering time for marijuana plants. In the end, you should get quite a decent yield. Despite not being the biggest yield on our list of seeds, it is definitely among one of the most powerful strains. Inexperienced users should be wary of this extremely high THC content strain!

How to identify Amnesia

This strain gets its physical appearance from its Afghan side, meaning that the plant doesn't grow to be too tall or lanky. The buds are dense and a browny-green colour that are covered in pistils, just like any good Afghan strain. It is also basically drowning in resinous trichomes, making it quite sticky.

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If you like Amensia, you're probably the kind of person who likes an extremely powerful high. In that case, you should enjoy Trainwreck, which also produces an uplifting cerebral high. You will probably also enjoy K-Train, which comes from breeding Kush with Trainwreck. It also produces energetic, uplifting effects perfect for getting creative.

Samen Typ
Feminisierte Sorte
Amnesia Feminized ist eine feminisierte Sorte, die ausschließlich weibliche Cannabispflanzen erzeugt.
Mittlerer Ertrag
Amnesia Feminized erzeugt eine recht ordentliche Blütenmenge
Sonniges / Mediterranes Klima
Amnesia Feminized kann in einem warmen, sonnigen Klima mit langem Sommer im Freiland angebaut werden.
Kompakte Pflanze
Amnesia Feminized weist während der Blütephase ein relativ geringes Höhenwachstum auf.
Durchschnittliche Blütezeit
Amnesia Feminized benötigt eine durchschnittliche Blütezeit, um ihr volles Potenzial entfalten zu können.
Sativa / indica
Sativa / Indica-Hybride
Die Amnesia Feminized Sorte ist eine Sativa- / Indica-Hybride.
Wuchshöhe outdoor
Hochwachsende Pflanze
Amnesia Feminized wächst während der Blütephase überdurchschnittlich stark.
Ertrag outdoor
Großer Ertrag
Amnesia Feminized kann einen großen Ertrag produzieren ohne die zusätzliche Pflege, die für einige der ertragreicheren Sorten erforderlich ist
Erntezeit outdoor
Für Anfänger geeignet
Ideal für erfahrene und unerfahrene Züchter
Struktur der Pflanze
Kurz und buschig. Kegelförmig, oben schlank, unten buschiger.
Dichte, kompakte und bräunlich-grüne Blüten, bedeckt mit Blütenstempeln, viele harzige Trichome, die schön und klebrig sind.
Medizinische Eigenschaften
Stimmungsschwankungen, Stress
zitronig, erdig, kräftig, scharf, sauer, süß, tropisch
frisch, fruchtig, hazy, kräftig, süß
zerebral, kreativ, energiegeladen, euphorisch, Entspannung, aufmunternd
Sehr geeignet
Nicht geeignet


Une première pour moi
Ce fu l’année dernière ma première expérience de plantation et franchement pas déçu , je recommande ce type de pousse 👍
Une excellente amnesia
Bonjour a tous
Il y a déjà plusieurs années qu'un ami m'avait fait découvrir cette amnesia. Sans tenir compte d'un prix défiant toutes concurrences , elle est tout bonnement une des meilleure sur le marché. Excellent rendement , des buds bien compactes , facile de culture etc..je cultive en box de 1,2m x 1,2m x 1,8m. 8 pots de 18L et ça me donne a chaque récolte ±650gr sec. Il y a 1x ou je n'ai eu que 400gr!! Et pas besoin d'être fort expérimenté pour avoir une récolte correcte.Car j'avais été fort malade et je n'étais pas en état de m'en occuper.
A conseiller vivement aux novices comme aux expérimentés
niquer vos mere
Graines d'amnesia féminisées
Bonjour, aucun problème avec ces graines, de bonnes qualité... De jolies buds bien dures..
Juste un petit manque de saveurs puissancea mon goût... Peut-être du à la maturité certainement...:relaxed:️:yum:... Bonnes graines
A conseiller pour cultivateur confirmé
Excellente weed. Randement correcte.
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